Tuesday 5 April 2016

A rainbow!!!

It was only recently that I came across this word Atrangi in the song Atrangi Yaari...and my husband went on to explain how it means internal, personal and private!
So that started the conversation within myself that what are the things that are private with most of us! Usually they are the dark and ugly.
The mischiefs your made as a child, the white lies in the teens, those crushes, those heartbreaks. The molestations you faced, the sexist comments, the discriminations! The failed exams, the memory loss in vivas, the failed surgeries, the unsatisfied patient! The fights with parents, the misunderstanding with spouses all this is Atrangi.
The external or outward is the Satrangi that we potray. And we used to platform it to friends and colleagues earlier and now have a platform like the social medium. The smiling selfies, the exotic vacations, the pretty dresses, the professional achievements. That's the Satrangi.
But what bothers us when we sit with ourselves is the Atrangi. We ignore the Satrangi and prode about the Atrangi.
What if we can combine this!! The Atrangi ugliness makes the Satrangi sweetness, sweeter.
We as a human race have been blessed with a memory and an ability to express vocally. We remember the worst memories and express based on that memory. For instance if you have been cheated once, you end up developing that as a filter to see everything. Each interaction you make following that, you fear being cheated and do not allow the opposite person enough chances to rectify mistakes. Rather if we start seeing through cleaned filters, we make our journey easier and enjoy the 99% where we were not cheated and handle the 1% better.
We should not spend time erasing the bad memories. We can never erase memories unlike computers. But we can as humans do a step better than machines...use that memory and build up wonderful memories above that so that that small block of bad memory feels smaller!!! If you can go even a step higher you will be able to give the acknowledgment to the bad memory for the millions of good that happened later.
Every body has had a journey of failures. Why don't you sit and reflect today and see how that journey brought you here...in this very place of achievement, acknowledgement and love.
As a child I used to love the nursery rhyme....For Want of A nail, A shoe was lost:
                                                                         For Want of a shoe, a horse was lost....

It used to always make me wonder as to how for such a small thing like a nail, a battle can be lost.
In the same way, we are allowing our battles to be lost by keeping these small memories in the upper layer of our brain and not utilizing that wonderful art of fixing the nails and enjoying life.
Enjoy the smiles that you share with people, enjoy the conversations, learn from people, talk more, interact more. These are the lessons that life teaches. Learn and live this journey as if there is no other!!
Make the Atrangi Satrangi. A rainbow to be cherished!!