Saturday 3 February 2024

12th Fail! Story of You and Me!

 Yesterday we managed to see this gem. I would love to go to cinema and see it undisturbed too! Each scene, each line and each camera angle of this movie speaks! This is a story of  al of us. this is a story of the 90s India and Indians. This is the story of  a generation who did the hard Work and told their Kids to do the Hard Work. And they Did!

The story of truth, honesty, loyalty, Self respect that each child coming from the middle class of the 90s had. 

The main character starts off as Manoj, no idenity, invisible young kid, sitting and studying on the roof of the house, away from the difficulties and realities of the house. His identity is lost in the crowd of cheating students. He then becomes an individual as he starts his journey travelling from his home town to Delhi. But still his whole name is never introduced and slowly as the movie builds he becomes Manoj Kumar Sharma. He owns his identity! We all start like that from our humble beginnings, nameless in our schools, faceless in huge classrooms of students in schools and tuitions. And slowly our experiences, education and life makes us our full name. 

There are too many scenes which touch the heart. But to name a few. One character, doesnt make it in his 6th attempt. He has nothing left that is his own. But he sulks for a second and start a tea stall in the area where the students study so that he gives them something and helps another student get closer to his dream. The divide between the Hindi Medium and the English Medium is also so True and so palpable. The vernacular language students, something which was very common in the 90s always started the race a little behind and had so many discriminations against them specially during the Entrance phase of life.

The true love, respect and admiration between Shraddha and Manoj ofcourse stole the show! There is honesty when they look into each others eyes and talk. The scene which touched me the most is when Shraddha surprises him by visiting him the Room with the Flour Mill where he stays. This room is exactly like a place where there are still wheat grinding places that exist. the clothes, the tables and the walls of these places are always covered with dust from the flour and there is loud noise where you have to scream to speak through or be heard. Here she is awkward but is mindful of not offending. She sits where he asks to and asks him how he studies in this Darkness. He brilliantly tells her that there is Darkness only inside not outside. Her desperation to help him but knowing fully that he is a self respecting man who will not take financial help from her is a part so familiar. The part where you love your partner due to his honesty but see him suffering due to that honesty felt close to heart. When trust of a father on his daughter is questioned by a stranger, how the daughter feels let down and how they trust their daughter to do her best also is so nicely potrayed. 

When Manoj get a table and chair and a room to study, thanks to a benovelent friend, I felt my back relaxing and myself feeling that some justice has been done with this hard working boy.

Another scene which really tugged at my heart, is when Manoj visits home after another failed attempt and sits with his mom and starts crying in her lap. She comforts and then all her problems make her start crying and then he comforts her. This is such a brilliant scene that it tugs on the mothers heart!

Another scene where it becomes clear that he is a misfit but has left trying to fit in, is when he read the brilliant note of motivation by Shraddha, where she says she will be with him come what the profession! Then he removes his tight shoes, his coat and the tight tie! we really see the man free of all his primal fears of existence! after trying too hard for the IPS, he lets go in the interview and says even if he doesnt get through the aim was to do good for the country! This is a lived experience where if we "Let go", we let go of all shackles stopping us and then can catapult to whatever heights we desire!

All in all, a brilliant direction shines through! all you learn is RESTART!