Wednesday 25 July 2018


A Birthday Gift!!

Next week I turn 35! I feel it is a remarkable milestone! By this age you can sift pebbles from sand, choose good from bad and know your goals in life pretty well.
For a doctor it’s a good age, because you are always known as junior or young doctor so it makes you feel young, and you are not a newcomer so you feel old and mature enough to take risks in everyday practice.
This year has been amazing for me. Since last 3years I have been on a personal self discovery journey. I had got lost in the last 30 years achieving goals set by others, following paths made by others and trying to please people who weren’t going to be pleased even if I shed blood or flesh. So I ended up feeling burnt, empty, tired, restless and in general low of happiness to give happiness.
Compare this to a game and what do you do? You search for cheat codes, discuss with friends on how to start winning and basically change strategies. That’s what I did. My best friend (read Hubby) made me see the shine of the sun and luster of the moon. He made me smell the flowers and feel the grass and essentially made me change strategies.
The lessons learnt were as follows:
1.   At home demand more than give and at workplace give more than demand:
This helped me immensely.
As Women/wives/mothers or daughters we tend to give continuously inspite of being empty. For example, stand and make food inspite of being dead tired, eat last and eat some remains, go extra mile to buy things from crowded areas to get the best, listen and fulfill demands of each and every member of the family and not know what makes you happy. This isn’t all bad if this makes you happy, but if it doesn’t let go and restrategise. So I demanded help when I needed, said I cant do it when I sensed I cant and made time for things that give me pleasure like talking, playing with the boys and less for filling grocery bags and sifting for best quality of wheat in the market. Thankfully I took the help of apps like Bigbasket, Amazon, Swiggy or the local kirana guy for last minute demands.

Also work makes me immensely happy. I understood that if I keep demanding I will end up feeling let down and unhappy which defeats the entire purpose of working. So I let loose, worked hard, gave an extra leg and talked to colleagues and patients more and more. And Lo and Behold it translated into more work and happiness. I understood that work as a doctor is understanding soft skills as much as surgical skills, knowing marketing strategies and being a good manager too.


2.   The Boys!!!
I am blessed to be with 3 boys.

 The elder one is a giver. He just wants me to be on the receiving end, which I was not many a times. I used to shut down more than receive but I learnt to receive love, affection, support and advise always and that helped.
The second one, was a tough cookie. He is growing enough to have temper and not grown enough to want attention and help. I read books, worked on keeping patience and give him space to explore and have my arms spread to receive when he wanted me.
Also I saw him as a nurturer with my younger one. To see their souls connect was the biggest gift for this year! 
The third one, required me to nurture and thrive for the first 6 months and now we can see him develop his independence.

I delivered him exactly a year back and I made sure I fed him as much I could against all odds in my hospital(just before I had to go for my patients’ surgeries), in my pediatricians opd, in the car (while on patient visits to other hospitals) in conference halls (in international conference before my talk), in hotels, in a spa (for the lack of a feeding room in a restaurant) parking lots(when no rooms anywhere), gardens (when out with the elder one) and in flights and airports and dingy and dark places too!

Against all odds I found my strength and the will to take a step ahead for my little one!  With him I learnt how to fall in love again, how to enjoy the little moments like first solid, first step, first kiss and toothless smiles like I did 6 years back. He is the least judgemental, spreads chatter and laughter in abandon and has completely changed the dynamics of the family! We each have a heart beating outside us and are extremely protective about the littlest one.

3.   Friends are family and family are friends!

I knew it in my heart but took long to realize that I love socializing, sharing and learning from human interactions. I have lot of friends but it takes a lot of effort in this day and age to take out time for friendships. But I managed much better this year. I arranged for people to see our new house and new kidJ and made sure to invite and visit people I love.

With this I taught my elder one to organize socials too and mingle and play with others too. Also this year was extra special as my brother found his love too and we met, embraced and connected more than ever.

4.   Live healthy
This year I found something about myself that I never knew. I enrolled myself for a marathon training program and discovered the joys of exercise.

The ability of mind and body to flex and release pent up stress liberates you and pushes your body into recycling again to get to your core and release your best. I discovered the joy of eating more mixed grains. So oats, ragi, quinoa and proteins for healthy portion of eating is what I learnt. Also fresh fruits and the energy bubbles released through them is what made me feel more energetic and lighter. Fluids in more amount do help to release toxins and out natural antioxidants will be what will keep you younger at mind.

5.   YOLO
This millennial concept caught on with me. This year I saw lot of near ones suddenly get engulfed in illnesses and health issues. And I felt there is more need than ever to be available as a healthy and happy parent for my two boys. So I laughed like never before, danced with abandon and worked hard like a jack ass.

Happy 35th inner Aloka. I love you most than all!
(PS:Well this year was also a milestone and coloured my graying hair for the first time too!!!hopefully not to be labeled as mid life crisis!!!)