Thursday 6 April 2017



Dear Darling,
As you are soon going to be half way through your first ton, now is when we can talk heart to heart.
As a first time mom, I go through roller coaster of emotions as to how you would accept me as a parent, whether I will be good enough or make enough time for you!
You have given me the best days of my life and I treasure our heart to heart conversations!
Here are some things that I would like to tell you:
1.       Live light, live full: Life is not a competition, it is a journey. There are people on that journey with you. Throughout your life, people will keep changing and the change will make the journey lovely and interesting.

2.       Prioritise yourself: Enjoy with yourself. Love thinking quietly, sitting and day dreaming, plan your time with yourself, because you are going to be the constant one in your journey and its important to talk to your inner one!

3.       Dont get too caught up in negativities:  Dont have negative comparisons with anyone. Enjoy your own thing, try to give your best in what you it dancing, singing, or writing an exam! Forget about failures...when you do your best you don’t fail with yourself. Negativities may pull you down, but make them your step up that escalator! The steps may come and go but you always move up an escalator! Make it an easy ride for yourself!

4.       Don’t expect a smooth ride: We are on a long, bumpy road. The destination isn’t known and so is not important. The road is surrounded by green trees and lovely flowers. Instead of getting affected by the bumps, try to enjoy the greens that is there all along. There WILL be Problems! I repeat, There WILL be problems, but working around them is the fun...much like solving a puzzle or a lego! You will realise later like I do now, that the problem solving teaches a lot.. so take it like a tough chapter in a book!

5.       Read a wonderful line today:  Be a good human being: there is a huge opportunity in this area and with very little competition. Me and your father, wouldn’t really care if you are a good engineer, doctor, artist or singer! Just define for yourself what a good human being would be...and try to inculcate the values you want! You don’t have to be all white or all black...a grey good human being is just as fine!
