Wednesday 10 June 2020

8 Year Old!

Dearest Ansh
It was 8 years ago that the Gynaecologist lifted you up, Up above those green sheets to show me You!

And I was in love...

I had never felt such gush of emotions before. Though I knew Physiology and Anatomy of how a baby is made, I was In awe of how such a cute little darling can be made in my body which had all turned bloated, pigmented and "UGLY"!
I cried that day when you suckled and fed from me! I felt my purpose in life was this!

You have grown to an age of 8! For your world, you are grown up and little all in one. We are able to have discussion with you which are beyond your age, as you are inquisitive beyond your age.
This is when you will start seeing the workd for real. You will see that the world isnt round but uneven with uneven lives and uneven opportunities. You asked me yesterday about "Black Lives Matter" and why Flloyd was killed by a Policeman. In this was your hidden fear of being targeted by a policeman, who I had taught is to help you! But Unfortunately you will start seeing that things are Gray! Protector can Harm and Prisoner can be kind. Killer can have mercy and Pastor can be a demon.

All these years when we taught you Black and White, Now it is time to explore the Gray and understand the zone you want to choose.

I want to protect but want you to bloom, and I know you will not bloom if I hold the petals. So Here's me wishing that you are Free in you mind to explore without judging, free with your eyes to see analytically and free with your heart to love without prejudices. And when you falter or fall or fear I am there with that safety net always standing with my soul to protect and caress you. Even If I am gone, my soul is forever your friend and protector!

Read, travel, befriend, explore the world. Please remember: More bad is projected than Good. There are kind humans more than evil. Learn to listen, filter and trust. We are all here for finite years, but make your journey Impactful to your soul! Keep other's judgement out of your decisions and learn to listen to your inner voice.
     Also remember, we are not clones. And all those who are with you are not going to Jump from A to B to C. Each ones Lifepath is different and so dont think all are in a fixed 500 meter race. The Race is long and is your own path. 50 years from now, you will see that all 25 of you in the class had their own path, own story.

   Also, your Mumma learnt all this the hard way, so if you fail do not bother. Life teaches us to take the Right and Wrong turns, as you will realise All Paths will lead you to your Purpose.
For Now, this is me signing off! As for you all that matters today is the Chole Puri and the Chocolate Cake with your friends singing the Birthday Song!