Monday 27 April 2020

I am not Locked down anymore!

     It’s been a month of Lockdown. Lockdown is a period where all Non-essential movement by citizens across the country is restricted due to spread of a deadly disease called Corona Virus (This is of course for future generations who will be taught about this year of 2020 and for me to read years later as I am already showing signs of early Dementia)

      So somewhere in Jan- Feb of 2020 we heard about this new virus called Corona Virus in China, where the limited information that was creeping through the tight journalism control that China has, was that there were overnight hospitals being built and rows of ventilators required for respiratory arrest that these patients were facing.

     Few children in my Child’s school started wearing mask and they warned children to be at home if sick. Still in my mind it seemed like a distant problem like starvation in Ethiopia or immigration crisis of Europe. My mind was still boggled by patients, surgeries, and meetings to attend, talks to prepare for, exams for the older one, planning the summer vacation and generally having a 6 month plan. Those who know me, know my obsession with To Do lists and it all seemed full with things which now seem impossible to do!
     Usually as a Children’s Eye Doctor and a cosmetic Squint Surgeon, summers are usually packed with work due to school and college breaks and good time for parents and adults to finish elective surgeries. So in March I was anticipating a busy 3-4 months ahead. 
    In first week of March, when I was finalising the Vacation plans, the travel agent even commented that International travel is a problem, luckily you are planning domestic! I remember having a nudge telling me not to complete the advance payment of the travel for one more week. 
   Usually I love paying off things in the first go, as I know then that the travel is finally happening and a reality, but this time the brain in the gut told No.

    By March mid, the crisis hit shores too. Problems hit USA, UK, Italy, Spain, Germany, Singapore, Thailand, Malaysia and India too. At work, as an eye doctor, patient numbers in Out Patient Departments became quite low. Parents of my patients started opting out of Elective Surgeries, started denying the extra waiting time for dilatation or prolonged elective diagnostic procedures. The IT industry took a stance and asked all its employees to work from home. Seeing an apparent fear in the eyes of employees and patients, we too suspected that we might close down for a week or so to re-evaluate the situation. That was on 21st of March. On 22nd the Government of India had called for a Sunday Lockdown. We thought it was a one day thing and so had a celebratory mood that day. By night it was evident that the whole country is in Lockdown from 23rd March 2020.
I went through Phases during this Lockdown!

Phase 1: Phase of Euphoria

Yes, I had this one. I hadn’t been on a genuine, unrushed, long holiday with my kids since 8years. The last holiday that I remember was my Pre-maternity break I spent at my parents’ place, before the elder one was born (Come on, you all agree Maternity Breaks should not be called Breaks right!)

So I had this visual of playing games with them all day, making delicacies they love and generally being cheerful.
I cleaned every small nook, corner and crevice of the house, decorated, rearranged cupboards, cleaned and cleansed drawers. Also some new corners of the house were discovered for the multiple Tea and Coffee sessions! There was a day where I had the Dalgona Coffee Thrice!
So came the Biryani, Pasta, Pizza, Manchurian and Pao Bhaji. Then came scootering, cycling, football in the corridor, to Chess, Carrom and Ludo.

Cut 2 to reality, and I was finishing household work by 4pm, was always drained and irritable and demands of the kids were just not ending! This led to the Phase 2

Phase 2: Phase of Panic

    We hadn’t hoarded much officially. Meaning as a big joint family we always had surplus grains and legumes and thought that should be enough. The first few days our daily supply of milk stopped and the vegetable vendors stopped visiting the community. This is when Panic struck. 
    From Buying Tetrapacks of Milk, to conserving on veggies and making one pot meals, it led to a panic to survive. Also every news of people coming from Abroad and in quarantine was giving the community jitters. 
    For the first time Indians who are proud of their family members coming from overseas were seen hiding these facts. 
    There were WhatsApp Wars about how to punish people who hide details. The Municipal Corporation also labelled houses who were supposed to be in self quarantine reminding me of the Crosses that Alibaba had placed on the theives’ houses or the Marking done on Jews owned businesses in Germany!
    Also my elder one started having Zoom meetings for school and was thoroughly frustrated with the changed medium of teaching, where teachers kept sharing YouTube Videos and Power Point Presentations as a Teaching Medium. With him being grumpy for the first half of the day, the inevitable fact that life had changed for these little ones was evident!

Phase 3: Phase of Major Missing

    My brother who stays in the US started telling about the Horrific Death Rate in NYC. The stories shared by many medical professionals on Instagram and Twitter from all across the world was shattering. I was worried about my parents, my grandparents and my brother and his loved ones all across the world. This led to many video Calls with friends and relatives, who owing to a grueling schedule all these years I hadn’t had time to catch up with.

Phase 4: Guilt Phase
      This has so far been the toughest. Guilt phase is like the survivor’s guilt. Hearing stories about front liners keeping their family away and dedicating to the purpose taking care of patients made me very guilty of being at home and cooking exotic meals and seeing Netflix or reading Fiction! 
    I felt like my being a Doctor was purposeless. Being an eye surgeon, suddenly I went into being described as a non-essential service, and the milkman and the vegetable vendor were essential services. Made me re-evaluate the long and arduous journey I took to becoming a super specialist in Ophthalmology!

Phase 5: The Acceptance Phase

    After being almost a month in Lockdown and multiple meditations and journaling this phase has come. For a lot of us in Lockdown, this phase will come sooner or later. I would relate my life to Anne Frank or refugees, and feel so much more privileged. I would get up at night and gaze at my beautiful family with gratitude to have everyone healthy and happy and together. I started living more in the present, with the concentration on being involved in what is happening Now and not being too carried away by What will happen, How it will happen, Will Human race survive, Will the poor die, Will there be jobs, How will be recession? The collective effective of such speculative, presumptive living is usually detrimental and so learning the art of Present Living and Thinking helps.

    The Lockdown is definitely testing, tumultuous, and torturous but it is with the hope that this is Preventive, Purifying and Positive in its Nature. 

    The Biggest Lesson from this is Locked Down at Home or Work, in a relation or situation, Human Race is Tough and the Survival instinct kicks in to Levitate your mind, When you Don’t Feel Locked Down Anymore!