Monday 6 March 2017

The woman in me!

A time not so far ago, when I was a girl all of 4;

I saw my little brother for the first time, for the rest of my childhood he was my partner in crime,
No one told us to be aware of our genders then, but instinctively I liked the Barbies and he the, He-man!

At the age of 10, one hot afternoon, there was a special class organised at the school,
The girls of the class were taken to a separate room and shown a bloody video with a sample of free tampons!

We hid it in our pockets and tiptoed back to the class, with the boys hushing their voices and sniggering at us!

This is when it dawned on me that I am meant to be a woman!

At the age of 14, I had my first crush; the scent of the rose, the giggles of stolen glances gave a rush;
The boy of my dreams walked to me and said “Loose some weight and then we shall date!’’

The girl in me came crushing down, spiralling in a dizzy spin of my own humdrum!
The teens were nauseating, with confused identities and low self esteem;

Parents encouraged ‘’Let your mind rule over your body!, But the heart said I don’t fit’, nobody cares!

That is when I found toughest to be a woman!

The beautiful 20s came, I entered medical school; gender bias was thrown in the bin;

We were equal, dissecting human bodies alike; prepared the same chemicals and took case histories with the same voice
I found my man, we formed a team and took things in the same stride!

We educated women in the community about breast self examination, taught about contraception, child birth and menopause; the men never cringed and the women never shied; It was an ideal way to live, yay to medical school!

The knowledge about women abuse and gender preference became stronger and the woman in me became a feminist and fought against the societal horrors!

Marriage and child came along the journey, the joys of nurturing sang a whole different story,

The cuddles, and giggles filled my bosom; there was more and more love that flew out of my heart every autumn!

As society orders; cover the head, wear the anklet, make rounder chapattis and put your work on the backseat;
 the man with me celebrates the woman in me, and says feed my mind not the mouth! Climb as high as you want and I will hold the ground!

Today as a mother, wife, friend, confidante, teacher, healer, and doctor,  I celebrate the fact that I was made a woman; a lover, a fighter, a protector and a carer;

 My roles are many and my hands are full; May I be reborn each birth as a woman!